Monday, June 30, 2008


Wonderful evening, seducing skies,

Gloomy clouds hovering around,

Temptation for the rains to hit the sands

Perfect time for a visit to the beach.

I sat down facing the calm sea.

None of the regular activities happening around,

Stretching my legs against those wonderful waves,

I kept dreaming about my angel.

I took a little stroll on the shore,

A feeling of someone walking behind me.

Just curious to look back and see,

Only to find my own foot steps.

I always wanted her to be with me,

Like any other man would want his lady love.

But she came and went,

Just like the waves of the sea.

I dreamt of a dinner date with her,

My dream changed into a reality.

Beautifully clad in a silk dress,

I thought it was the moment to say those magical words

She sat down opposite me on the table,

Scented flowers beautifully arranged for us

Only those two candle lights lit,

Yet I could see her as gloriously beautiful.

When the moment came to say those words,

Those candles started melting away,

So did she fade away from my vision,

It was all over in few moments and left all alone in the dark.

Emotions of a human are short lived.

When she laughed, I laughed too.

When I cried, she laughed again.

I had no choice but to reciprocate what she did.

Her every single gesture was etched in my memory,

Like the carvings made on a stone.

I may have not won but not have lost.

Her absence is indeed luminous.

I am running short of words to describe her absence,

But not short of feelings to express mine.

People may term this as a mere failure of an another relationship

But I would rather say

It was an epitome of a candlelight.